Breakfast & Brunch

Get ready for a new coffee taste

When buying ground coffee in a supermarket, rarely does anyone look at the country of origin of coffee – except in the case when a particular coffee blend is to your liking. Over time, even a favorite taste can become boring, and then in search of new sensations, we go to coffee shops for completely new coffee blends. For those who don’t want to come unprepared or order the banal “americano, one sugar, take away”, here’s a quick coffee guide:

Arabica is the most widespread coffee variety in the world, accounting for approximately 60% of the coffee beans grown. It is valued for its high acidity, which gives coffee a rich taste, but at the same time it is quite capricious about growing conditions: it needs high altitudes and almost constant rain, and it is also very vulnerable to pests. You can ask the barista to make you coffee from pure Arabica coffee or with a mixture of Robusta immediately on the spot. Unlike Arabica, Robusta coffee beans contain more caffeine and have less acidity, so this can make the drink stronger than you are used to drinking.

In addition to the variety of coffee beans, it is worth paying attention to the country of origin of coffee. When ordering origin coffee beans, the barista usually specifies in which country the supplier’s farms are located, as the flavor notes of the coffee will differ depending on this. So, for example, in Vietnam, Robusta is grown mainly, which has a rich and intense taste with hints of nuts and chocolate – which is why the Vietnamese prefer to add sweetened condensed milk to their coffee so that the taste of the drink comes out balanced. On the other side of the ocean, in Latin America, Arabica is grown. At the same time, in two neighboring countries, Honduras and El Salvador, even in the presence of similar growing conditions, drinks differ in taste. Coffee from Honduras will have a balanced and medium acidity taste with notes of chocolate and caramel, which allows it to be mild on the palate. At the same time, coffee from El Salvador feels more complex and has more pronounced acidity, and notes of chocolate, caramel and fruit can be distinguished in the taste. Don’t be afraid to experiment and one day you will find your perfect coffee.