Everyday Meals

Make mouthwatering chocolate Sachertorte cake with Mary Berry’s recipe

First produced in Vienna by chef Franz Sacher, back in 1832, here is Mary Berry’s recipe for the indulgent Sachertorte.



For the cake:

  • 140g/5oz plain chocolate
  • 140g/5oz unsalted butter, softened
  • 115g/4oz caster sugar
  • Half tsp vanilla extract
  • Five free-range eggs, separated
  • 85g/3oz ground almonds
  • 55g/2oz plain flour, sieved
  • Six tbsp apricot jam, sieved
  • 140g/5oz plain chocolate
  • 200ml/7fl oz double cream
  • 25g/1oz milk chocolate

Do note, if you can resist the urge to tuck into Sachertorte, the cake will improve in flavour if left for a day or two before cutting.

Known to have a cult following since its creation for Prince Klemens Wenzel von Metternich, will Mary Berry’s take live up to the hype?

READ MORE… Make Jamie Oliver’s pistachio and citrus cake – on the table in less than 1 hour


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas four. Grease a deep 23cm/9in round cake tin then line the base with greaseproof paper.
  2. Break the chocolate into pieces, melt gently in a bowl set over a pan of hot water, stirring occasionally, then cool slightly.
  3. Beat the butter in a bowl until really soft, then gradually beat in the sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy. Add the cooled chocolate and the vanilla extract and beat again.
  4. Add the egg yolks, then fold in the ground almonds and sieved flour. The mixture will be quite thick at this stage.

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